
Showing posts with label Equality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Equality. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

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Barilla Pasta Chairman: ‘I Would Not Do A Commercial With A Homosexual Family’

Post image for Barilla Pasta Chairman: ‘I Would Not Do A Commercial With A Homosexual Family’
Guido Barilla has some explaining to do. The chairman of the $5.25 billion worldwide Italian food monolith says he would never show a gay family in his advertising — and if gay people don’t like it the can go eat someone else’s pasta. In an interview yesterday with an alian radio talk show, Barilla made clear he considers the “traditional family” and women “sacral.” “I would never do a commercial with a homosexual family,” Barilla said, according to a Google translation. “We will not be advertising with homosexuals, because we like the traditional family. If the gays do not agree, they can always eat pasta from another manufacturer. Everyone is free to do whatever they want provided it does not annoy others.”

“We have a slightly different culture,” Barilla said, via a Huffington Post translation of the interview. “For us, the ‘sacral family’ remains one of the company’s core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta. You can’t always please everyone not to displease anyone.“The women are crucial in this,” Barilla added.“I respect same-sex marriage because that concerns people who want to contract marriage, but I absolutely don’t respect adoptions in gay families, because that concerns a person who is not the people who decide,” Barilla also said.Of course, after a great deal of criticism and calls for a boycott , Barilla tried to apologize.“With reference to statements made yesterday,” a Buzzfeed translation notes, “I apologize if my words have generated controversy or misunderstanding, or if they have hurt the sensibilities of some people. In the interview I simply wanted to highlight the central role of the woman in the family.”
Apparently, in Italy, gay people don’t have families and women are never lesbian.

Above text  was written by David Badash and in no way am I using his story as an endorsement to boycott Barilla Products . The view expressed below is strictly my own . I am using David's article only  to inform my readers of the situation that prompted my reaction to Barilla.

In my opinion it  is ridiculous that in this day and age companies like BARILLA  are taking us backwards as a culture and as a human race. I am 100% Italian , gay and I am ashamed that I have wasted my hard earned money on a company's products that does not see everyone as equals. If you agree that all families are equal regardless of race, sexuality etc please voice your opinion and BOYCOTT BARILLA! Xx Billy Charles 

Barilla can be found on Twitter @BarillaUS  Tweet them and please use hastag #BoycottBarilla